Most of us experience a wide range of daily stressors and anxiety triggers that torment our physical and mental health. While this is a normal part of everyday life, most of us don’t do anything to relieve ourselves of all this built-up and pent-up stress, anxiety, and self-destruction.
Eventually, your body will start to feel the effects of it’ll be that much more difficult to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle. That’s why so many professionals recommend and encourage a little bit of yoga on a regular basis. It can do so much for your body, mind, and soul.
So, what can yoga do for you?
Yoga is one of the best ways of being more mindful and present in the modern world we live in today. It not only helps you relieve stress and anxiety, but it helps improve strength, flexibility, balance, pain relief, heart health, sleep, mood, energy, self-care, and even self-acceptance.
Unfortunately, many people are either too scared to try yoga or don’t give themselves enough time in the day to take advantage of it. They feel like you need to be an expert in order to get the most out of yoga or that you need to devote hours to it each day, but that’s simply not the case.
3 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners
The truth is you don’t need to devote your entire life to yoga in order to benefit from it. In fact, I’m going to share with you three of the most basic yoga poses for beginners you can do on a daily basis — with or without a yoga mat. You can do these at the gym, at home, or on break at work.
Let’s take a look:
- Downward-Facing Dog
Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, the downward-facing dog is one of the most popular yoga poses. For this basic yoga pose, you’ll want to start on your hands and knees. Place your hands under your shoulders and knees under the hips.
With your hands spread wide, press your index finger and thumb into the yoga mat. Then, raise your tailbone and draw your hips toward the ceiling with your legs straight. Make sure your head is between your arms, your heels are pressed to the floor, and your back is flat.
- Mountain Pose
Also known as Tadasana, the mountain pose is another one of the most popular yoga poses for beginners. To start, you’ll want to stand straight with your toes together and heels a little apart. Spread your toes, bring your core into it, tuck your hips, and point your tailbone to the floor.
Then, roll your shoulders back and down. Relax your body and inhale gently while you reach your hands over your head. Make sure you’re pressing down on your feet and keep your arms parallel to your ears. Hold this pose on your yoga mat and take nice, deep breaths.
- Warrior II
Also known as Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana, this is the final one of our three basic yoga poses for beginners. You’ll want to take a big step forward with one of your feet so you’re in a staggered stance. Keep your front knee bent and the back knee as straight as possible.
With your back heel lifted from the floor, keep your front knee parallel to the floor and square the hips toward the front. Then, slowly raise both of your hands above your head while pressing your feet down on the yoga mat. Hold this pose and take nice, deep breaths.
For more yoga poses that you can use on a daily basis, contact us at YoMenGa today. We can’t wait to help you live your best life every single day!
No one is perfect — no matter how much some people claim to be. We all have faults, we all make mistakes, and we all carry around our own set of baggage that makes us who we are. There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s what makes each individual unique in their own way.
While some people are busy working on and bettering themselves every single day, other people simply don’t know how. They either don’t have the skills to improve their situation, don’t have the awareness, or don’t have the wherewithal to envision a better future for themselves.
If this sounds like you, don’t worry and don’t panic. You’re not alone and there are millions of people standing in the same exact shoes as yourself every single day. The good news is there are a ton of people out there ready to help you improve your situation — such as a life coach.
So, what is a life coach?
A life coach is a wellness professional that has one main goal when meeting with clients — help that individual lead a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life on a daily basis. They help you set goals, accomplish goals, recognize trouble areas in your life, and overcome those struggles.
When you open up to a life coach, they can help you improve a wide variety of areas in your life. That includes your relationships with others, your career, your school performance, the choices you make, the thoughts you have, and the many behaviors that make you a unique individual.
Life coaches aren’t therapists, and they won’t act like one. They aren’t trained to help you with mental health disorders and illnesses, but they can certainly help anyone that’s struggling to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment out of life — and they do so in a positive and uplifting manner.
Do You Need Better Guidance In Your Life?
We all have potential in this world, and we’re all destined for greatness in unique ways. Unfortunately, not everyone gives themselves the opportunity to reach that full potential and experience that sense of greatness for themselves. It’s a sad reality many are faced with daily.
For the most part, it’s no one person’s fault. Most people don’t have the guidance or direction to help them find their inner passions and most sincere infatuations. They were never taught how to chase their true desires and don’t have the skills needed when living a meaningful life.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve it — it just means you haven’t achieved it yet. With the help of a life coach, you can inch closer to your short-term and long-term goals. You can grow into a much more divine and good-hearted human being each and every day.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in or would like to learn more about how a life coach can help you improve your life, click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me. It would be an honor to help you get the most out of your life and show you just how wonderful we can all be!